the idea people!
2 min readJan 2, 2023

As the new year approaches, it’s important for advertising and marketing brands to take a step back and reflect on their strategies and goals. Here are 7 resolutions that brands should consider making in 2023:

  1. Don’t just sell a product, sell an experience: Sell an experience rather than just a product, by offering exceptional customer service, hosting events or workshops, or creating engaging content that resonates with and adds value to their target audience’s lives.
  2. Brand Message > Brand Aesthetics: Prioritize creating a clear and compelling brand message that aligns with consumer values and showcases your unique identity over aesthetics.
  3. Give back to society: Consumers look for brands that have a positive impact on society and the environment. Consider using your platform to give back to the community through charitable partnerships, volunteering, and eco-friendly practices, and focus on promoting sustainability in your marketing efforts.
  4. Create & uphold individuality: In today’s crowded marketplace, it’s essential to stand out & differentiate yourself from the competition. Focus on creating a strong and unique brand identity that sets you apart & resonates with your target audience.
  5. Don’t push your consumers to buy your products: While it’s important to promote your products and services, you should avoid pushing your customers to make a purchase. Instead, focus on showcasing the value of your products & encourage customers to make an informed decision.
  6. Measure and analyze performance: In order to determine the effectiveness of your marketing tactics, make an effort to regularly measure and analyze the performance of the campaigns to make an informed decision for future campaigns.
  7. Explore new technologies: Embrace new technologies, including virtual and augmented reality, chatbots, and AI-powered marketing campaigns, to reach our target audience more effectively.

By making these resolutions, advertising and marketing brands can position themselves for success in the new year and beyond.



the idea people!

The idea people are equipped with a clear design thinking to employ a human centric problem solving approach to create experiences.